Saturday, June 23, 2007



Examine the analyzed Grids (Workshop Wolf D. Prix)

Overlay different Grids (Mainstreet, Street, ..)

Representation of the individual elements in a city and the entire one


Examine the Wienner undergroundsystem and the brain

(Singer wolf – Der Beobachter im Gehirn)

System consists of stations (underground station or process)

and connections

Expiration with the model construction
Apply the plastics on stations in the direction of the connections

- model have been rotated

Laws for a functioning system
- Global order and stability
- Reduction of the communication distances
- Reduction of the energy consumption
- Admission of information from the external world
- Fast reacting learning mechanism and controlling system of evaluation


Hotel Marques de Riscal, Spanien - Architect Frank O.Gehry

Chickenwire was changed by stretching, tossing, bending and distorting.
The developed network was poured over with Gips
- In order to generate a new form


SaM said...
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Matias del Campo said...
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SaM said...

Hi Reinhard
good job
just two comments
1. last saturday the group agreed on changing the termminology: from connectivity to topology, as connectivity has a lot of implementations (social, cultural ect. ect) and we wanted to keep it very basic and related to architecture.
Therefore we would like you to find imagery from architecture and/or urban situations
2. please add images and statements for the 3rd term
the models looks amazing (especially the first), hope they don't fracture on the way to vienna

SaM said...

I'm anxious to hear your comments on the issue of Topology in Gehry's work on Thursday -
here's an excerpt of an article on Frank Gehry's private home, the Gehry House:
"… Despite the dominant appeal of the house to contradictions, a less contradictory and more pliant reading of the house is possible as a new organization emerges between the existing house and Gehry’s addition. A dynamic stability develops with the mixing of the original and the addition. Despite the contradictions between elements, possible points of connection are exploited. Rather then valorize the conflicts the house engenders, as both academic and popular publications have done, a more pliant logic would privilege degrees of connection rather than violation. A new intermediate organization occurs by vicissitude from the affiliation of the existing house and its addition. Within the discontinuities of Deconstructivism there are inevitably unforseen moments of cohesion."

1998: Lynn, Greg: Folds, Bodies & Blobs, Bruxelles: La Lettre Volee, p115-116
first published in
1993: Lynn, Greg: “Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant and the Supple”, Architectural Design no.102