Thursday, July 19, 2007

ZülfiyeIntensive Map

"Spiral Reality" (2)

The parts with transition. Like paravane but the thing continue in wholeness.
From inside to outside to the other dynamic in terms of changes but in the same time could be able to read as history and the ability to have description in the whole system.
The vertical rise and horizontal movement. From one to the other parts connections and same points..

Regarding to concept and its elements

Basic issues & instruments:
•Harmony-Topographic wholeness
•Differency but relationship / more than communicaiton !
•Spiral Shape: it looks the same if you observe the movement but always different in fact.
You see the spiral movement you think you are in the same spiral movement-yes it is- but not in the same spiral ( the same point of the spiral) the movement is the same but the material is not and also behavioral changes form the reality..

The points are unique and that are not developing in linear way but spiral and more connected to each other .

Yesterday ( history) today and tomorrow are connected but always different means in different point in the spiral reality but they are communicating to each other instead of creating the reality again, connecting this to the existing one and creating together the “future one “…
This saves energy!
Things could seem as “same” but this is actually “similarity” and you see the differency if you focus on. Differency not so much visible to express themselves so much but a little bit in order to describe and put them in the correct order .That is the point .
If you make some of them much more visible than the others then the balance will change ..!

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